Emergency Dental Information in Chandler AZ

While we always strive to be careful about our welfare and that of others, sometimes accidents do happen. Most people know what to do when someone hurts an arm or leg, but a dental emergency in Chandler AZ often renders us helpless about what to do next.
Accidents that damage your teeth can happen any time, day or night. It’s important to know teeth-related injuries constitutes a dental emergency and what events can wait for a visit to the dentist during regular office hours. At Layton Lakes Dental, we offer same-day emergency appointments. Please call if you have a dental emergency. We do our best to see you in the office as quickly as possible.
What To Do For A Damaged Tooth in Chandler AZ?
Depending on how severe the cracked or chipped tooth is, it may be ok to wait until regular office hours to see your dentist. However, call Layton Lakes Dental to see if we can fit you in – we try to take care of urgent dental care situations as soon as possible.
If the tooth damage is severe — that is, your tooth is broken, a tooth or teeth is knocked out, or nerve damage occurs — then you need to see a dentist as soon as possible. If you suffer a toothache and the pain is dire enough that you cannot wait for a regular appointment, this qualifies as a dental emergency, too.
In many instances tooth damage – cracks, chips, and knocked out – occur among younger people, especially those involved in sports. Mouth guards should be used by anyone playing a sport that risks mouth/dental injury.
If the tooth is knocked out, handle it as little as possible. Try to insert the tooth back in the socket; biting down on moistened gauze may help. Be very careful not to swallow your tooth!
If the tooth won’t stay in the socket, rinse it off and put it in milk or your saliva until you can see us. Apply a cold wet cloth to the socket to stop bleeding.
Do I Need A Tooth Extraction?
We do everything we can to save your natural teeth. We discuss all options for you when you come in for your emergency visit. But sometimes the best solution is to extract the tooth. In that case, we talk about your anesthesia options to keep you comfortable. And after pulling the tooth, we go over after-care with you as well so you’ll know how to heal as quickly and painlessly as possible. But whether you need an extraction or not, we give you high-quality treatment during your emergency visit.
With toothaches, it is always important to gently clean around the affected tooth. Warm salt water is good for removing food and other foreign matter from the area. If there is pain, do not use aspirin, as this thins the blood and is not suitable for an area like a tooth or gums.
Acetaminophen, commonly found in painkillers like Tylenol, is a better alternative. Also, be sure to use a cold compress, and, if the pain persists for more than a day, schedule a dental appointment.
Bleeding After Loss Of Baby Tooth
Lost a baby tooth and now it's bleeding? Get a piece of gauze, fold it, and apply it gently but firmly to the affected area. Have the child gently bite down to apply pressure for about 15 minutes, which should ensure that proper clotting and closure occurs. If this doesn’t happen, visit a dentist for emergency treatment.
Knocked-Out Permanent Tooth
It may be possible to preserve the tooth and keep it in the mouth with quick action. Retrieve the tooth by the crown (top) and do not touch the root. Rinse it for foreign matter like dirt or dust, but don’t clean it too thoroughly and wash off actual tooth enamel. Reinsert the tooth if possible and hold it in place with cloth or gauze.
If this isn’t possible, preserve the tooth in a container of milk or water and make an emergency visit to a dentist to see if the tooth can be properly reinserted.
Broken Tooth
Clean out the area gently with a warm water rinse. If there’s a facial injury as well, apply a cold compress to the injured area to control pain and swelling. If any tooth fragments can be found and recovered, retrieve them, and make an emergency visit with them to a dentist.
Broken Jaw
Prevent as much movement as possible by tying the jaw to the mouth with a towel, tie, or some other cloth that can keep the mouth closed and as immobile as possible. For this emergency, go to a hospital emergency ward rather than a dentist as this may require more general medical treatment.
Same Day Emergency Visits
If an emergency occurs, the most important thing to do is maintain calm. Panic in an emergency situation just means that nothing gets done efficiently. Acting in a calm, controlled manner will do more to solve a dental emergency than panic. Contact our team at Layton Lakes Dental for more information. Give us a call or come by the office. We accept same-day emergency walk-in visits. Let us help you get relief from your dental emergency!
Layton Lakes Dental
3230 S Gilbert Rd #4
Chandler AZ 85286
(480) 306-5506
7:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 5:00pm
7:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday & Sunday